If You Have Diabetes, Know These Signs of a Stroke

If You Have Diabetes, Know These Signs of a Stroke 

  People living with diabetes are at higher risk of stroke so it’s especially

 important for them to talk to their doctor and manage their risk

 factors.Know Diabetes by Heart, a joint initiative of the American Heart

 Association and American Diabetes Association, offers several tips for

 people with diabetes to reduce their risk of a stroke:- Take control.

 Managing your diabetes is a key step to staying healthy. Make a plan

 with your doctor to establish or maintain control of your condition.- Take

 your medicine. Be sure to take all medicine prescribed by your doctor,

 and if you have concerns about your medications, ask your doctor. Don’t

 just stop taking them.- Take care of yourself. Continue or develop

 healthy lifestyle habits, and if you smoke, quit.- Take stock of your

 numbers. Keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure at healthy levels,

 as well as managing your blood glucose and A1C, can make a difference

 in reducing your risk of a stroke."Diabetes is a complicated health

 condition, so it’s important to be proactive and work with your health

 care team to learn all you can about how to manage it," according to

 Robert Eckel, M.D., immediate past president of Medicine and Science for

 the American Diabetes Association and past president of the American

 Heart Association.For example, Karen Dawson, who was diagnosed with

 type 2 diabetes in her 40s, was managing the condition well with a

 combination of medication and a healthy lifestyle, but she lost her

 health insurance and was unable to afford her medication. With her

 diabetes and high blood pressure unmanaged, Dawson’s health was more

 vulnerable, and she suffered a stroke.Having had a stroke puts her at

 high risk for another one, but with her health insurance back in place,

 she now takes her medication as prescribed, maintains a healthy diet,

 and stays fit by swimming in her local pool. And she serves as an

 ambassador for Know Diabetes by Heart to encourage those living with

 type 2 diabetes to stay healthy and maintain a positive attitude.If you or

 someone you know is living with type 2 diabetes, make sure you know

 the warning signs of a stroke. The acronym FAST makes it easy to

 remember and recognize the common symptoms of a stroke. If you

 experience suddem Face drooping, Arm weakness, or Speech difficulty,

 it’s Time to call 911.For more information

 visit KnowDiabetesbyHeart.org.


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